From Schisandra berry to Glissandrin

In our previous articles, we reported on advanced scientific research on the Schisandra berry and its incredible health-enhancing features.  But transforming the berry from its natural state into a useful form requires a meticulous extraction process and great care in developing a formulation that enables the berry’s potent properties to be optimally used by the body.

Though the Schisandra berry grows abundantly in parts of Asia, it is not simply the berry in its natural state that produces the greatest health benefits.  The concentrations of the key compounds, (-) Schisandrin B, Schisandrin B, (±)γ-Schisandrin, Schisandrin A, and Schisandrin C, in the natural berries are minute. Additionally, neither compound is soluble in water.  Therefore, crushed berries, berry juice, and Schisandra extracts obtained by ordinary methods contain insignificant amounts of the compounds.

To put this in perspective: the amount of (-) Schisandrin B and Schisandrin A in a single bottle of Glissandra Serum is equivalent to that of a hot tub overflowing with Schisandra berries!  One would have to devote significant time and financial resources to consuming that amount of berries – for a less effective result.

As this relates to skincare, (-) Schisandrin B and Schisandrin A must be in forms that can be absorbed easily by the skin. Furthermore, as natural compounds, optimal dosages must be determined and the intended beneficial effects must be ascertained; this can be done only through clinical studies.

For over 18 years, scientists have been researching and developing Glissandrin, which is procured by a proprietary extraction process that renders (-) Schisandrin B and Schisandrin A in lipid soluble forms, guaranteeing the highest degree of purity (Glissandrins are standardized for consistency in the concentration of Schisandrins), desired level of biological activity, and anti-aging efficacies, while preserving the original chemical identities of the natural compounds.

Despite the over 100 research papers already published by world-class research institutions corroborating the anti-aging and other beneficial properties of these compounds, scientists continue to discover new pharmacological properties of (-) Schisandrin B and Schisandrin A.

Nature’s contribution to advanced skincare: the Schisandra berry

By now, you’ve likely heard the growing buzz about the Schisandra berry, which is finally beginning to get the widespread attention it deserves, outside the scientific community. It is not just the next disposable “superberry”; Schisandra has been proven to have a significant, positive effect on aging skin.

The Schisandra berry has long been recognized as one of the 50 fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine, and as the key to maintaining youth and radiance. It is now regarded as a vital adaptogen that helps the body achieve a balanced state and adapt to physical, mental, environmental and other stresses.

The Schisandra berry has exciting qualities and applications relating to its status as an adaptogen. It helps the body’s cells maintain and normalize the optimum conditions for their vital functioning. The Schisandra berry is naturally rich in antioxidants, and research suggests that it acts as an antioxidant-site stimulator. In this role, it has been seen to increase antioxidant activity throughout the body, helping fight free radical damage not only by providing its own antioxidants, but also by helping to stimulate antioxidants already present in the body – unlike other, supposed “superberries”.

So how does this affect our skin as we age?

Aging is a phenomenon that occurs in the body’s cells. Its effects are more apparent on the skin, body’s largest organ, and especially noticeable on the face. Aging brings about the depletion of cellular components (such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc.), oxidative damage, and inflammation – causing a loss of elasticity, pigmentation, radiance, and other visible signs of aging.

According to extensive research, Schisandra has been found to be “a safe and effective ingredient for the prevention and treatment of hyperproliferative and inflammatory skin conditions and offers a new concept for personal care cosmetics” (Quirin et al.).

However, concentrations of the key compounds, (-) Schisandrin B and Schisandrin A, in the original berries are minute. Ground Schisandra berries, berry juice, or Schisandra extracts collected by ordinary methods contain insignificant amounts of the potent compounds, thereby limiting the benefits to the skin. It is only through a proprietary extraction process that the anti-aging properties of the Schisandra berry can be absorbed by the skin.